
Dichte systeemwanden


When you are looking for a partitioning system with more privacy and separation than glass, the Verwol panel system can be a perfect solution. Verwol panels create a high quality separation and it’s still easily demountable when you want to change the floor layout. The system only consists of profiles in sight at the connection to other components as ceilings, floors or structural parts. The rest of the structure is concealed behind panels.

There are different finishing materials to choose; steel, melamine, vinyl or hpl makes your partitioning system just as you want, while we complete the construction technically.

Afwerk materiaal
Melamine, Vinyl, Steel or HPL
Concealed, 0mm link in sight
Max. paneel breedte
Extruded Aluminium
Max. geluidsisolatie
Up to Rw = 49dB

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Verwol Vestigingen

opmeerDe Veken 21
1716 KE Opmeer
T: +31-(0)226 - 363636

delftKleveringweg 20
2616 LZ Delft
T: +31-(0)15-2153700